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HOME 제품소개 Splice Closures

  - Telecommunication Networks
- CATV Networks
- Local Area Networks
- Underground, Aerial, Direct buried, and Building environments


- Offers excellent resistance to vibration, ultraviolet and change in climate
- The silicone gasket is used to seal the closure and provide a long term reliability.
- The closure can be installed at temperatures between(-40°C~80°C)
- Humidity detector is mounted at outside of closure to check water penetration
  without opening splice closure.


 Small Type : Dimension : 330(L)x186(W)x125(H)mm
Model Standard Number of Entries Number of Trays Max Cable Outer Diameter(mm) Max Capacity(Core)
Single Loose Type OFC-L-48 6 4 16 48

 Standard Type : Dimension : 576(L)x222(W)x139(H)mm
Model Standard Number of Entries Number of Trays Max Cable Outer Diameter(mm) Max Capacity(Core)
Single Loose Type OFC-L-72 6 2 19 96
OFC-L-144 6 4 24 192
OFC-L-288 6 6 26 288
4-fiber ribbon OFC-R4-40 6 1 16 40
OFC-R4-80 6 2 16 80
OFC-R4-120 6 3 20 120
OFC-R4-160 6 4 20 160
OFC-R4-200 6 5 22 200
8-fiber ribbon OFC-R8-64 6 1 18 64
OFC-R8-128 6 2 18 128
OFC-R8-192 6 3 20 192
OFC-R8-264 6 4 24 264
OFC-R8-320 6 5 24 320



Classified by maximum splice capacity Loose Tube Type : 12. 24. 36. 72. 144. 288C
Ribbon Type 4-fibers : 40. 80. 120. 160. 200C
Ribbon Type 8-fibers : 64. 128. 192. 264. 320C
Classified by the optical fiber connection(Tray Type) L   : For loose tube connection
R4 : For combination of loose tube and 4-fiber
       ribbon connection
R8 : For combination of loose tube and 8-fiber
       ribbon connection
Optical fiber Closure